Thursday, September 22, 2011


  The two American hikers convicted of spying in Iran have finally been released on Wednesday.  Minnesotan Shane Bauer, and Joshua Fattal, both 29 years old, were given to the Swiss ambassador who deals with American relations in Iran.  After power struggles in the Iranian government, a combined bail of $1 million was set for the two hikers.  It's been a long time coming, but the two innocent hikers are finally back home to the United States after over two years in Iranian prison.  The families could not be happier.  As stated by the families, "This can only be described as the best day of our lives."  I'm ecstatic for the hikers to finally have their freedom again.  It's not fair that they were held for two years, but I suppose that adds to the excitement of their release.  I can't imagine what I would have done in their position, totally helpless.  They are very strong people and I couldn't be happier for them.

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